High Fructose Corn Syrup 55 - 3150 lb Tote
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High Fructose Corn Syrup 55 - 3150 lb Tote

Product Code: 55HFT275

1x $1,723.59 /TOTE
2x $1,666.14 /TOTE
3x $1,608.68 /TOTE
4x $1,551.23 /TOTE
  • Availability: In stock

HFCS 55 is a widely utilized sweetening agent in the food and beverage sector. Its name, HFCS 55, reflects its fructose content, which makes up about 55% of the syrup, with the remaining 45% being glucose. This proportion of fructose is slightly higher than in other prevalent varieties of high fructose corn syrup.